It seems Kerry is going to win this thing based on the support from establishment. Since Kerry's entire campaign theme is 'electibility', Can we hold him accountable for this?
He claims to be the only one who can beat Bush, I think he's a liar, he's trying to intimidate, dupe democratic party activists based on their insane fear of Bush.
Okay, Kerry, you have succeeded so far, can you sign a contract with voters. If you lose in the general election, are you willing to face extreme punishment.
I think to hold Kerry accountable is very fair, We all know if he loses to Bush, it will be a disaster to democratic party for years to come. Democratic party is so hungry for a win, and the opportunity is golden. My fear is Kerry will squander this golden opportunity just as the establishment squandered it in 2002 with no penalty. If democratic party loses this time around, the party will be extremely demoralized, perhaps even disintegrated, a permanent minority status is ensured.
Okay, Let Kerry sign a contract: If he insists on running and if he loses in 2004, he could choose 1)death penalty 2)life in prison 3)confiscate all fortunes of his family(including Teresa's
I think Kerry will be happy to take this challenge. How do you folks think?