Dean is angry?
Dean is angry?
Should Dean be angry?
So should every rational person in the nation.
We are angry that there are ballooning deficits as far as the eye can see. Dean has proven record of balancing budgets every year he was Gov. despite there not being a law that mandated it. Dean can solve this fiscal nightmare by making the hard choices, yet focusing on the real cost and the real needs of the people, of families, of our communities. He is a doctor, and as such tirelessly looks for what works and what can solve problems before they become critical.
Dean is angry?
Should Dean be angry?
So should every rational person looking at the facts.
Bush is an unmitigated disaster when it comes to feeding placebos to the lie of "compassionate conservatism" while being the shill (whiting or not) to massive tax giveaways to the pharmaceutical industry under the guise of "prescription drug benefits" which do nothing in actually helping seniors, let alone the rest of us. The Bush administration and the GOP wraps there disastrous and self-serving agenda in the props of grandparents and seniors, while doing nothing but giving away the fiscal security of our nation to the crass self-interest of the crony backers that funded his entire political career. Compare that with Howard Dean, who left a promising career on Wall Street, to become a doctor. He moved to rural Vermont and delivered healthcare with his own hands to people directly. He got involved in local politics to rebuild and improve community. He fought to ensure that EVERYONE had affordable access to healthcare. When the same nay-sayers derailed "universal care" proposals in Vermont when they torpedoed the Clinton health plan in Congress, Dean fought on and expanded Medicare coverage and expanded and added to existing programs to get more people covered at the state level. Now every person under 18 in Vermont has access to healthcare. Everyone under 150% of the poverty line has access to healthcare coverage. For ANYONE to begin to think that Dean would not fight on and on until we had everyone covered is a fool. Dean is a medical doctor, who has front line knowledge of the system and how to get to universal coverage. With a plan that is workable, affordable and passable. Dean's plan will work, can easily be afforded by returning to the same tax levels during the unprecedented booming economy during Clinton while not squaring off with every moneyed interest which actively sought to, and succeeded in killing the Clinton plan.
Dean is angry?
Should Dean be angry?
So should every rational person looking at the facts.
Bush is rapidly driving our nations future off a cliff, with record deficits and massive spending increases, which are not repairing our nations manufacturing, and economic infrastructure. Spending that is not funding our educational system as it should, but giving it away to those who are plundering our economy, moving our jobs overseas and dodging taxes and evading environmental protections that re in fact directly harming us, our family sand our communities. If trends in our declining dollar continue, the Euro will soon become the currency of choice for capital markets. If that happens, we are beyond fucked. Any nonpolitical hack of an economist who knows the situation knows that these deficits are unsustainable. Job growth is non-existent and not even keeping up with the population growth, so we are not even close to "growing our way" of a wet-paper bag let alone unprecedented, record busting deficits. Howard Dean has a PROVEN record or restoring fiscal responsibility to government operating budgets. Restoring and securing credit and bond ratings, paying off debt to get interest payments manageable. More telling, he pushed for and secured revenue reserves for the state so when there is an economic down-turn, services would not be cut, and taxes would not be raised.
Under this administration there is more than $24,000.. yes THOUSAND dollars of debt hanging over every man, woman and child in this nation, and Bush is adding over $2.3 billion a day to that debt. If and when those notes come due, not to mention how much of future revenue will get pissed away on interest payments (ever look are credit card revolving debt) we are all in serious serious trouble. Dean has proven record of solving these types of problems. Solving them in ways which do not include cutting services, and not raising taxes (in fact he was able to cut taxes twice when it is was fiscally reasonable and safe to do so). He has a proven record of putting Vermont on a sound fiscal footing.
Dean is angry?
Should Dean be angry?
So should every rational person looking at the facts.
We are angry that over half a century of foreign policy, and the cornerstone of the rule of law, multilateral agreements and our countries standing as a world leader, based on high moral purpose have been subverted by those pushing agendas which have nothing to do with furthering our nations security. Over 500 of our best and brightest have been lost to no good purpose in Iraq. This administration used 9/11 as pretext to carry out a fundamentally flawed, colossally stupid and radically dangerous agenda. 9/11 and the threat of terrorism was used to exploit fears of WMD with far from solid evidence that Iraq posed ANY threat to us. Bush's advisors sold that misdirection with false evidence and ever shifting rationales. Yet the GOP and this administration moved to cut solider combat pay, veterans benefits, while using "the troops" as a crass political club to try and silence and destroy those who saw this coming.
Dean called it correctly then, and still calls it correctly. Dean's positions on foreign policy are squarely in the center of our nations mainstream of rule of law, working with allies through the UN and NATO. If Dean were president last year, we would only be in Iraq if it was proven, with real evidence, that Iraq posed a legitimate threat to us. All the false rationales given post invasion, are canards, and if there was legitimate pretext for invasion, rightly could and should have been handled through the UN and NATO. We could stare down the Soviet Union, and Russia during the cold-war, through working with out allies and through the UN and with NATO, but some tin-horn dictator (and previous ally of convenience) with an army that could not even pose a real threat to it neighbors anymore, justified invasion at any cost, and without even a months delay?
How anyone could NOT be angry at the sorry state of our nation under the GOP administration and the radical neocon agenda, and fail the reality of Dean's proven record is beyond me.