I read Maureen Dowd's Op Ed, "My Private Idaho" in yesterday's NY Times (now appearing below the fold) and she has a way of efficiently stinging anyone. She stung Bush very well. However, the red staters are reading her. Couple that with the absolute lies coming out of Bush and Cheney's mouths and the stupidity, arrogance and self-serving gratuitousness of our National Press and you start to see a monstrous problem.
Who knows how many votes were stolen by Karl Rove and his organizations all over the country? How could we, it seems that at least 1/2 of us are Republicans. I was watching C-Span last Christmas Day and Brian Lamb hosted the call in show. I don't remember how it came out but he said there were 10 times as many calls against Bush as there were for him but they put on an even amount for each side, assuming that was fair.
I don't think it's fair at all and I think it is a distortion of what is going on in this country. During lunch yesterday I watch the beginning of the Bush rally in Idaho. By the insane cheering by this drugged Bush crowd, I thought that Jesus and Moses walked onto the stage, arm in arm.
So, what are the American people seeing? They hear ridiculous lies from Bush and Cheney that are never challenged. Kerry certainly didn't. Then you see Democrats melt on the cable debate shows. Then you see the Bush hysteria at rallies and the stunts like landing on the aircraft carrier. Then you hear dissenters labeled as unpatriotic. Then you see Matt Lauer form the Today Show in Iraq talking to gung-ho soldiers provided to him by the gung-ho Bush loving military. Then you hear the White House news correspondents measure every word they say because they are afraid to give up access. Then on C-Spam you see a complete distortion of the views of the American Public, so.... when you see elections that were grossly tampered with, you become a Stepford wife, even though the exit polls are pointing to completely different results. How could you think it's any different?
If C-Span alone would take their calls as they come in, instead of manipulating them to make it seem as though the Republicans have an equal amount of support, Americans would see how hated Bush, Cheney and the neocons are. I have no idea how C-Span, which prides itself on untampered coverage can tamper and distort the American Opinion the way it does. Imagine if C-Span was in Nazi Germany before it became Nazi Germany. Imagine if the calls against Hitler were 10 to 1 but they presented them as being equal. It's enough to make you ill!
So, everything we see and hear is a distortion, a lie or a manipulation of the real facts. The surreal has become real.
Below is the NY Times Maureen Dowd Op Ed:
My Private Idaho
Published: August 24, 2005
W. vacationed so hard in Texas he got bushed. He needed a vacation from his vacation.
The most rested president in American history headed West yesterday to get away from his Western getaway - and the mushrooming Crawford Woodstock - and spend a couple of days at the Tamarack Resort in the rural Idaho mountains.
"I'm kind of hangin' loose, as they say," he told reporters.
for the entire article and go quickly before they charge for it, see:
M Dowd Op Ed