You've been standing at the gate pounding on the door all night! Some of us are trying to get some sleep! Return to your village! If I say I'll write a book will you disperse peacefully, or do I need to dump the vat of hot oil?
Seriously, I am flattered beyond words that so many of you feel like this would make a good book. I have no idea who would read it, but I'm certainly putting out enough volume to eventually make
a book. A
long one if not a
good one. So for whatever it's worth here's what I consider to be my `official plan.'
I'm going to continue to write blogs until I've written at least 25,000 words of material. At that point I'll have about 100 pages of TPB material. I figure conservatively (to borrow the term) I could add around 1,000 words easy to each one of my blogs just from the great feedback I get from you guys. Probably another 12-13,000 words to flesh the thing out (meaning `add new material so people would actually buy it and not just read it for free on Dkos), and `bingo.'
Then all that's left is to don the flight suit and hang the `Mission Accomplished' banner, cuz `Confessions of a Random Nobody' will be ready to print! But hey, at least I will have written a book! Some have suggested that I write a `book proposal.' What is that, exactly? Is this it? Can I just announce my intentions, or do I actually have to put some work into it? I'm not gonna lie to ya...I'm hoping it's not the 'work' thing.
By the way, I never expected `Love Story' to get so many comments! I thought it would just be this sweet little thing I did for my wife that people would sort of ignore. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your feedback to what is probably the most personal story I'm likely to tell. What I've learned is that people are more interested in hearing me wax poetic about my wife than they are in listening to me `bitch slap' Rush Limbaugh. So noted.
Have a great weekend, everybody!