In my investigative travels I found this.
"Each Wednesday Rove dispatches a top administration official to attend the regular conservative-coalition lunches held at Paul Weyrich's Free Congress Foundation. When activists call his office with a problem, Rove doesn't pass them off to an aide. He often responds himself. When Weyrich heard a few weeks ago that Bush's budget slashed funding for a favorite project called the Police Corps, which gives scholarships and training to police cadets, he complained to the White House. To Weyrich's surprise, Rove called back. "We've taken care of it," Rove said. "The problem is solved." Weyrich, who says his memos to the Reagan and Bush Sr. White Houses were rarely read, was impressed. "That," he gushes, "is what it means to have friends in the White House."
The Integration of Theory and Practice: A Program for the New Traditionalist Movement, by Eric Heubeck
Our movement will be entirely destructive, and entirely constructive. We will not try to reform the existing institutions. We only intend to weaken them, and eventually destroy them. We will endeavor to knock our opponents off-balance and unsettle them at every opportunity. All of our constructive energies will be dedicated to the creation of our own institutions....
We will maintain a constant barrage of criticism against the Left. We will attack the very legitimacy of the Left. We will not give them a moment's rest. We will endeavor to prove that the Left does not deserve to hold sway over the heart and mind of a single American. We will offer constant reminders that there is an alternative, there is a better way. When people have had enough of the sickness and decay of today's American culture, they will be embraced by and welcomed into the New Traditionalist movement. The rejection of the existing society by the people will thus be accomplished by pushing them and pulling them simultaneously.
We will use guerrilla tactics to undermine the legitimacy of the dominant regime...
We must create a countervailing force that is just as adept as the Left at intimidating people and institutions that are used as tools of left-wing activism but are not ideologically committed, such as Hollywood celebrities, multinational corporations, and university administrators. We must be feared, so that they will think twice before opening their mouths...
We will be results-oriented rather than good intentions-oriented. Making a good-faith effort and being ideologically sound will be less important than advancing the goals of the movement...
This folks, is Karl Rove's instructions to the SHILLS.
All of this led me to The Hathaway Group The Hathaway Group which web site was mostly stripped.But I found this tid bit under "Tim Hathaway"
Seeing the impact that the Internet was going to make on politics on every level he launched The Hathaway Group with the goal of being the largest provider of Internet solutions for conservative goals - a goal since achieved.
And this snippet
December 14, 2002 - Leadership Institute's Internet Leadership Workshop
The Hathaway Group will be teaching at the Leadership Institute's Internet Leadership Workshop scheduled December 2002.
If you are interested please call the Leadership Institute at (703) 247-2000 or (800) 827-5323.
The Internet Leadership Workshop is a totally new curriculum designed by The Hathaway Group. The school will cover practical web site and e-mail applications designed to increase the effectiveness of conservative causes on the Internet. Student reaction from the first workshop was outstanding and this expanded workshop will be even better.
More to come.
"© 2005 The Leadership Institute is a non-profit, non-partisan educational organization." More...
Non- Partisan?? Are they liars or what?
Also see my other diary with Hathaway Voting Links.Voting Fraud Links at Hathaway Group?