Just a theory, not original, but I like it. Correct me if I don't have my facts straight:
According to
this report from AP, a classified memo was sent to Colin Powell by his deputy, Richard Armitage, while Powell was flying with President Bush aboard Air Force One on a trip to Africa. This was just days after Joe Wilson went public, refuting administration claims that Iraq intended to buy uranium from Niger. The memo contains information regarding Wilson's report, and also states that Wilson's wife was working at the CIA and had recommended him for the assignment.
That places the crucial piece of the puzzle right in Powell's hands, and by extension, in the hands of George W. Bush, who by now was certainly aware that the
original Niger documents were a crude hoax.
So what is a reasonable chain of events? Bush and Powell, and most likely Cheney after a quick phone call, are in possession of a document that might give them an opportunity to discredit Wilson and his report, in order to deflect attention from the fact that the original Niger documents were fake. Shortly thereafter, the dirty work of leaking the information is done by Turd Blossom and Scooter. Shortly after that, Bush and probably most of his administration hire their own personal attorneys.
Hmm. Smells fishy to me. But what is more troubling is the origin of the original hoax documents, which were given to the U.S. Embassy in Rome by an Italian magazine, but which were later determined to have originated in the U.S. The documents were obvious forgeries, which is why they were dismissed out of hand by the CIA, but they were latched onto by the administration as they pushed hard for justification to invade Iraq.
So you tell me: who had the most to gain from generating the original faked documents? Who had the most to gain by pushing them as proof? And who had the most to gain by smearing Wilson?
These are the questions that I think U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald is looking at. At least I hope so.