"A report published by the Army War College calls the Bush administration's war on terrorism unfocused and says the invasion of Iraq was "a strategic error."
The research paper by Jeffrey Record, a professor at the Air War College at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, said the president's strategy "promises much more than it can deliver" and threatens to spread U.S. military resources too thin. Record also wrote that Saddam Hussein's Iraq did not present a threat to the United States and was a distraction from the war on terrorism."
"...'The United States may be able to defeat al-Qaeda, but it cannot rid the world of terrorism, much less evil,' Record writes."
The Army, top insiders (O'Neil), the U.N., the 3+ million protesters worldwide before the war - seems like the BushCo team is getting trounced, too bad their megaphone is louder and 50%+ of the nationalist, ignorant american fuks still think Saddam was behind 911.
It's a tragic, almost shameful time to be living in America...