Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Tex.) and John Cornyn (Tex.) are pushing for the repeal of the DC gun control laws. Apparently, Sen. Hutchison doesn't feel safe without her handgun in her bedside table. The bill is also being supported by George Allen (Va.), he seems to think that gun control in DC puts a dent in the gun business in Va. None of these people have taken note of the fact that gun control has dropped the homicide rate by 17%. And neither have they noted that the lack of gun control has popped Dallas, Texas to No. 2 in homicides in cities of one million or more residents. Needless to say, the people in DC are outraged that these Texans should have the gall to negate the idea of self-rule in DC by imposing their own Wild West lawlessness on the nation's capitol. Here is the link to the
Wow, I can't believe I am doing two diaries in one day!