Thanks to everyone who posted comments on my diary last night. The breakfast, which was attended by about a dozen progressive journalists, was held in the basement of the U.S. Capital. To answer jbou's big, pressing question that was the first comment on my diary last night, Sherrod prefers bacon over sausage, and likes his eggs scrambled (having said that, I should also note this was a continental breakfast). The whole event lasted about an hour, and there should be full audio from the event available sometime next week (I'll post another follow-up diary when the file is up).
More below the flip.
Sherrod began by talking about the difference between liberals and progressives, and one particular quote of his stood out at me as probably the best answer to this question that I've ever heard: "Progressives are liberals who want to challange power." As you probably know, Sherrod is pro-choice, and he brought up a question he'd like to see the media ask of those who want abortion to be illegal -- "who goes to jail, the woman or the doctor?"
One of Sherrod's major issues is trade, and he stressed that Democrats shouldn't ignore the many fundamental connections between national security and so-called free trade agreements (something many Americans were made aware of very recently with the Dubai World Ports deal story). Lastly, and on a lighter note, I learned something I didn't know about Sherrod before: his wife is a Pulitzer-prize winning journalist. That's all for right now --- when the full audio (and hopefully transcript) from the breakfast is available online, I'll add some more in a new diary -- David

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