I dont know exactly why I have always watched the meetup numbers, maybe a daily ritual for me.
Ok, I confess: I am obsessed with numbers and I am a poll junkie ;-)
But what you could clearly see the last couple of days: Clark is surging and for the first time ever, his meetup numbers are now more than a third of Deans. The absolute growth rate right now seems to even exceed Deans.
Here goes the myth that only one candidate has grass roots support.
While Deans fundraising, meetup and emaillist numbers had actually plataued (is that the right word?) some time ago, we now might see the first signs of a REVERSAL of momentum in these categorys.
I still think that Dean can win the nomination, as do Kerry (the favorite to me right now), Edwards (outside chance) and of course Clark.
I am really astonished how demoralized many (former?) Dean supporters on this blog are. If it only takes one defeat in a small (delegate wise) state at the very beginning of the nomination process to shake their support, the democratic party might actually be better of without him beeing the candidate. Because this will be a LONG and NASTY fight for many months.