is Pakistan. Check out what Musharraf says below (from Reuters today)
Musharraf also played down the harm done by the
nuclear technology transfers to which Khan has
"People are, I think, over-assessing the physical
damage of the proliferation that he has done," he
"If I hand over a missile or a bomb to any extremist,
believe me, he can do nothing about it," he said. "He
cannot explode it" without knowledge of a
sophisticated triggering mechanism.
That the Bush admin exaggerated Iraq is one thing. That it is downplaying the threat from Pakistan is far more dangerous.
Rumsfeld says in the Reuters report:
"I'm not going to say that," Rumsfeld replied when
asked whether he was confident there had been no other
"high-level military" involvement in Pakistan.
"You can't prove a negative," he added. "You can't say
that I know that every person connected with the
Pakistani military over some sustained period of time
had no knowledge or participation whatsoever. That's
silly. I couldn't do that."
So here it is, we have declared this country our major non-NATO ally, but we don't know who all in Pakistan were involved in nuclear trading (and where are they now?). I also don't remember hearing from the Bush administration about the FBI tracing funding for 9-11 hijackers to Pakistan, or that at least some of those suspected of links to the funding, including the then ISI chief, are still in Pakistan.
This charade continues today. Musharraf claimed a "high-value target", hinting at Zawahiri, was surrounded the day Colin Powell declared Pakistan a major ally. Now we find out that there "was a tunnel" and it wasn't Zawahiri anyway. Yesterday Pakistan declared success and announced it was winding down the operation.
All Iraq is doing is distracting us from the fact that we have not shut down all the players that were involved in 9/11, and have not secured the nukes that those players are too dangerously close to. And Musharraf is poking us in the eye, saying so what if we gave nukes to extremists, at least we didn't give them the triggering mechanism.
That this jehadi-nuke potential mushroom cloud was obvious was published in an analysis 2 weeks before the 2003 Iraq war started:
There remain many unanswered questions: