I have never written a diary on here before but as I was perusing the news and stories that I find interesting daily here on dailykos I entered into a conversation with a remarkable woman. A victim of abuse six years ago, she was set on fire. Now, after her daily job, she is searching for donations to help support safe houses in both my community and surrounding communities.
With a sense of hope and duty I was pleased to give whatever I could to John Kerry and Barbara Boxer this last election cycle. I have to admit, however, that I never felt so good giving what little I could afford to an effort that I knew would directly help the people we progressives fight for daily. I am not writing to solicit a donation to this specific organization but rather urging those of us who gave 25, 35 or 50 dollars to Kerry, MoveOn.org and other worthy liberal organizations, to keep in mind, as I'm sure many do, the local charities that can so greatly benefit from our generosity.