OK, here's my take - I've got to say that debate changed my thinking in some ways.
Dean - this is the best I've seen him yet. I now get why people fell in love with him. He had several great answers - on trade, on foreign affairs, the NRA question. Also, his line "you can't trust right wing Republicans with your money" came off really well tonight.
Sharpton - His best performance. I love how he stuck it to Brokaw a couple of times. He is definetly a good speaker/preacher. His answer on Islam vs Christianity was great. Much better than his last performance. Much better.
Kerry - Mediocre at best. Poor answer to the first question. His foreign policy positioning is not good. His point is well taken, but essentially siding with Europe vs Bush in his rhetoric answering the Robert Kagan question will get him killed. I'm really hoping this guy gets tested a bit more, because after that performance, I certainly don't want to entrust him with the nomination.
Edwards - Decent performance. I liked his answer about Bush being a one note president. The mill worker thing is corny in a way, but I bet it will play well. However, he's got to get up to speed on foreign policy. He's still struggling with the "war of ideas" aspect of foreign policy.
Clark - Best I've seem him yet. Not surprisingly, was strong on foreign policy. His "kitchen table" answers, while not great, show improvement. His answer on the church/state question was outstanding - that is the picture perfect Democratic answer to that question. His comfortability talking religion will serve him well. I'm quietly optimistic - maybe his campaign has legs after all.
Lieberman - Did fine. Stuck to his guns, made a good case for why he should be the nominee. His trade answer wall awful, IMO, and is why he cannot be the nominee. His trade positions are the wrong ones for a Democrat to have. Ask yourself: why would a laid off mill worker in SC with conservative cultural values vote for a Democrat with such views? In sum, Lieberman is, for a national Democratic candidate, right on values, wrong on the economy.
Kucinich - Did well for what he is trying to do. I still think he is useful to have in the debates, if only to introduce a more left wing perspective and make the other Democrats seem more "moderate" in comparison.
So, overall:
Dean A/A-
Sharpton A-
Clark B+/A-
Lieberman B
Kucinich B
Edwards B/B-
Kerry C/C+