How long before the "spying on americans" story slips into oblivion? Another month? A week? The democrats have been handed one golden opportunity after another to attempt to change the course of our foundering nation and, as a party, have done damn near nothing. Perhaps we should take it upon ourselves to do a bit of "reframing" for them.
We should consider creating a new catagory of political labeling (one that, judging from the polls, holds enormous appeal to the electorate). "The liberal wing of the democratic party" - death in the so-called red states. "Moderate democrats/republicans" - about as appealing as velveeta. As long as the concept of "dems" includes Lieberman, Clinton and the host of other cowards who let others attack (Dean), speak the truth to power (Conyers) and then try and insinuate themselves as statesmanly voices of reason when the coast is clear then you can count me out as a "dem". What if there were a group, a gang, a caucus of "splinter dems" or "common sense pols" or some-such. A way for those who have the courage to speak out, to distance themselves from the craven antics of crap like Lieberman and Clinton. People like Pelosi, Conyers, Leahy, Feingold, Kusinich, Sanders... these just off the top of my head. Hell, there might even be a republican or two (well, maybe just one) who would like to align themselves with the concept of common sense. Uniting principles might begin with adhering to the constitution, abiding by international law and a fair tax code. Call it a meme or branding or what have you. There really are a few courageous voices out there but they get swallowed whole by the pablum that emits from the democrating party. "Together we can do better"? Huh? Together they cant do squat. But given a forum that clearly deviates from the party line there are many strong, charismatic and impassioned voices that really might persuade our apathetic populous by simply appealing to common sense.