Disclaimer: I'm a Deanite.
Howard Dean trotted out his detailed economic plan today - Reclaiming the American Dream - and it's got some interesting bits inside.
First of all, he's clear about the tax cuts: repealing them will repudiate the Bush financial house of cards.
"The first step in reversing this agenda, balancing the budget and putting the US fiscal house in order must be the repeal of the Bush tax cuts, and returning the tax code to rates that were in effect during the prosperous years of the Clinton-Gore administration."
Now, everyone's going to jump all over this... but remember, that's what's going to pay for the health care coverage...
Dean also proposes jacking the minimum wage up to $6.65 - and interestingly, in his education plan to be released this fall, will propose a sweeping new program of financial aid - "Universal Higher Education."
Now THAT is what our nation needs.