Is it any coincidence that the Patriot Act was extended just long enough for it to expire during the week of the SOTU?
How many times do they have to keep using lowdown dirty tactics to help push through their twisted agenda? They used 9/11 to get it passed in the first place. And just in case that wasn't enough, they even took full advantage of the anthrax scare.
Doesn't it bother anyone that this bill was written BEFORE 9/11?
And when people finally start waking up to the fact that this is one horrible piece of ... legislation, they extend it so that the issue pops back up during the week of the SOTU address.
The media has been pounding the drums of war on Iran. And then there's that alleged bin laden tape. Millions of people honestly believe that it's perfectly ok for the government to spy on them because "uh... I've got nothing to hide." These people have the nerve to call themselves American! The media keeps chipping away at public opinion and I believe we are at a point in time where they are going to be able to shovel this bogus bill through once again.
Nothing makes my blood boil more than the Patriot Act and how this administration uses fear to trick people into giving up their rights. But it obviously works. I just wonder how many times history has to repeat itself before our monkey brains finally realize that giving up liberty isn't going to make us safer. If that were true then they wouldn't need to concoct these devious PR timing schemes. There's no way anyone could convince me that the expiration of the Patriot Act was not deliberately made to fall this week. I remember reading about it a month ago and thinking... why did they push for such a short extension? Didn't they originally get a 90 day extension? And wasn't it a rethug who proposed the shorter extension? It didn't make sense at the time but now it does.
Why do I keep getting the feeling that everything is staged? Was the timing of the Alito confirmation just a ruse to wear us out so that we had no energy left to take a real stand against the Patriot Act? Hmmmm... I never thought we had a chance at stopping him; we lost that fight when Bush managed to somehow win re-election. So why does that get so much coverage by dems, and yet they allow the Patriot Act to slip through once again?
Dems really are suckers. If you want to know why we keep losing, just look at the events of this week. Doesn't it seem like the rethugs are 2 steps ahead of us at all times?