The VPs will either be...
Senator Evan Bayh (IN)
Governor Tom Vilsak (IW)
Governor Bill Richardson (NM)
Fmr. Sen. Bob Kerrey (NE)
Sen. John McCain (AZ)
Why not...
John Edwards - Too inexpirenced, not even done with his Senate term. Kerry wants to be the JFK of this ticket, and Edwards will outshine him.
Wes Clark (my choice heh) - Very unlikely that a lietenant will choose a general as a VP. That will overshadow it.
Bob Graham - The journal thing. His early campaign didnt' do so good and he only guarantees Florida, but possibly not other states. Oh yah, he's 67. No VP has been that old.
Bill Nelson - Bob Graham has a FAR better chance getting on the VP ticket that he does. Do you think Kerry will risk losing another Senate seat.
Janet Napolitano - Although this seems ok, she's Italian in a Southwestern area. The Hispanics will be a bit disappointed. He'll go for a hispanic in a SW area.
Mark Warner, Kathleen Sebelius - Two years as governor. Inexperienced.
Dick Gephardt - Too much of a Washington insider campaign. Kerry won Iowa and Gephardt got 4th...the message is old.
Howard Dean, Hillary Clinton, and Jeanne Shaheen, Ted Kennedy, Ed Rendell - Northeasterns, that's it. PERIOD.
Dennis Kucinich, Carol Mosley-Braun, Al Sharpton - Very liberal, he's aiming for the middle.
If you have anything to say, comment. Btw, I am not criticizing any of the candidates...that's what the claims are and what I believe the reason will be. There are other candidates that I forgot, so comment and I'll respond; either they aren't mentioned that much or I just forgot :-/.
Of course, the 5 candidates have their flaws, but it looks like these are the 5 candidates that will most likely be chosen.