I received this e-mail today...
Dear Sir/Madam- I work as a freelance stringer for AP, Reuters and several other news orgs.
I am currently compiling information for an OP-ED piece that will be contrasting Candidate Dean's political statements with those of his supporters.
Especially in regards to a perceived sense of growing hopelessness in the ranks of his supporters following the Iowa loss.
I will be using your statement, quoted as follows:
" ....I just picked myself off the floor yesterday."
This is a courtesy notice as your comments were posted on a public forum and as such need no permission to be used.
Of course, I did write this, I was in shock after Dean's loss in Iowa. The whole point of the post (which I sincerely wish I can find) was that after my initial shock I am still committed to the Dean campaign. It simply makes me ill to think my quote might be used to illustrate that Dean's support is waning now.
Here's my hastily written, feeble response...
Dear [name omitted],
Fair enough, I assume you realize that the comment reflected my shock at Dean's third-place finish in Iowa and has nothing to do with any sort of "growing helplessness". It is my intention to continue to work for the Dean campaign.
I guess I should have known better for posting something like that in the first place, especially after Dean's pep rally yell was taken out of context. To all the Deaniacs who might read my quote in the future, I'm sorry.