AP, in today's
Seattle Times:
A federal judge has sided with Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio, in his 6-year-old lawsuit against Rep. Jim McDermott ...
... a Florida couple ... recorded a 1996 conference call in which Boehner, then-Speaker Newt Gingrich and other House leaders discussed strategy involving announcement of an ethics committee finding against Gingrich. ...
McDermott had admitted leaking the taped phone conversation to reporters. ...
Hogan set a hearing for Sept. 16 to discuss whether Boehner should be awarded punitive damages and attorney costs.
dKos readers who do not know Jim personally (or even politically) will at least recall him from
Fahrenheit 911: "Fear does work, yes. You could make people do anything if they're afraid."
From day one, the suit leveraged Boehner's heavier bankroll to threaten Jim with financial ruin. (They haven't been able to make him "do anything" ... but the threat is genuine.)
Chances are that Kossacks can ride to the rescue and help blunt Boehner's pike.
I've been tracking this contingency for some time. Don't do anything immediately. Hold your fire ... but please stand by.
And if it suits your sentiment and budget, you might keep an extra, oh, $49.11 in ready reserve.