All should be aware that the Bushista fascists want beaucoup personal data on every student enrolled in an institution of higher learning in America.
Why might that be?
More below.
I read a piece in the Washington Post of 3/29/05 by Katherine Haley Will, the president of Gettysburg College.
It seems the esteemed fascists of the Department of Homeland Education and Surveillance are ramming through Congress legislation to force every college and university in America to report all their students' Social Security numbers and other information about each individual -- including credits earned, degree plan, race and ethnicity (Heil Hitler!) and grants and loans received -- to a national data bank.
According to Ms. Will's article, all this info goes into a national data bank. It applies to citizens and non-citizens alike, and the information must (if the legislation is enacted as proposed) be reported, whether students receive federal aid or not.
The regime is pretending that they want to impose this significant cost on the colleges and universities in order to track graduation rates, and what students pay for college.
As Ms. Will points out, legitimate public policy-related information is already supplied, via a law in effect since 1992, which requires institutions whose students receive federal funds to submit summary data on enrollment, student aid, graduation rates and other info, via the "Integrated Postsecondary Education Data" system.
If enacted, the new national database would have 15 million student records in its first year, and grow from there.
Recalcitrant institutions would face a cutoff of federal grants, loans, and work-study funds for all students, which of course would impact mostly students from low and middle-income families, while leaving the children of the rich unaffected.
"Federal officials," Will argues, "have shown no compelling public policy needs that outweights Americans' basic expectations of privacy." The measure would "join surging health care and energy expenses in pushing tuitions up."
"This information," Will rightly asserts, "could all too easily be shared with other government agencies or even with the private sector."
(See Katherine Haley Will, "Alma Mater as Big Brother," Washington Post, 3/29/2005, p. A15.)
In addition to other fascist sorts of uses, let me suggest one likely prime reason why Bushco wants this info.
It's for a military and "national service" draft.
I suspect the government wants to avoid large-scale conscription for its current and planned wars. Draftees don't fight enthusiastically, especially when the war is for empire and profit, as opposed to national survival.
I suspect the Bushie plan is this. Shortfalls in recruiting for the ostensibly all-volunteer force, and to augment combat units for additional wars of aggression, will be compensated for in several different ways.
One weay is that budget and aid cuts, and worsening conditions overall for Americans without trust funds, will make the alternative of military service less attractive. Some America-haters call this the "poverty draft." If you survive the Army, you get educational benefits. If you don't join up, er, yes, I WILL take fries with that, thank you!
A second means, already seen in Iraq, is that the trillions the Pentagon cannot account for (well, some of it no doubt goes into offshore accounts, and theymay be building Homeland Koncentration camps with some of it, too, but I digress) is being spent in part for "civilian contractors," i.e., mercenaries.
Only so many suckers are needed to accept Army pay to die for profit. Others can be paid $100K a year, from taxpayer funds, to do much of the building, interrogating, transportation, guarding, torturing, and whatnot that goes with Spreading Democracy over the oil and gas-endowed nations of the planet.
I suspect that combat units of South American and other third-world troops, kind of a Bushco private army (but paid for, claro, with taxpayer coin) will also soon be recruited.
Where, I think, the college snooping comes in is that there WILL be conscription, and probably soon, to some extent perhaps for regular combat and other military service, but probably in large measure to fill other non-combat needs.
One area no doubt will be medical: the Army needs surgeons and other health professionals, badly. So, by knowing exactly who is enrolled, say, in dental school, nursing school, medical schools etc. the military will be able to target people more precisely for "Greetings" from their draft boards.
So, are you studying Pashto or Arabic in college, young man/young lady? Well, your country needs translators! Welcome to Amerikills!
Engineering graduates needed to rebuild shit we just blew up last month in Iran! Report in twenty days, please!
And so on.
They're not doing this for nothing, folks. And the something that they're doing it for cannot be good for our young people.