Dispatch from THE GREAT STATE OF MAINE. . .
Cheers and Jeers for Tuesday, January 13, 2004
CHEERS to the DC primary. Influential or not, it's real votes. Like a scrumptious appetizer before the main course.
JEERS to George W. Bush for this piece of insanity: "No President has ever done more for human rights than I have." The right to be lied to... The right to be spied on... The right to be afraid... The right to be downsized...
CHEERS to space-leery Americans. Majority in AP poll would rather spend money on health care and education. Have you learned nothing, people? With that kind of pessimism, the terrorists win again.
JEERS to out-of-control warning labels. Michigan Lawsuit Abuse Watch unveils winners of Wacky Warning Label contest. My favorite, posted on sled: "Beware: sled may develop high speed under certain snow conditions."
JEERS to Robert Novak. Jan 10-11 column says Dean camp crying in their lattes because Sen. Harkin endorsement unlikely. Now you know why Psychic Friends Network rejected Bob's application.
CHEERS to Salon.com and Mathew Gross of Dean For America Blog. "The Media vs. Howard Dean" is excellent, excellent, excellent analysis of negative press coverage. Silver lining: the din has become so shrill, the press is finally starting to lighten up.
CHEERS to Dennis Kucinich. Sitting pretty atop first Truthout.org poll with 45%. Lieberman coming up on the outside with .3%. Attaboy!
JEERS to Key West. As northeast braces for killer Arctic blast, Conch Republic's biggest worry is burgeoning chicken population. And to think you poor people have to deal with that in...in...shorts and tanktops!
CHEERS to young adults. Smart enough to know that traditional media is hosing them, they turn to the Internet---like Dailykos---for information, according to new poll. Bonus points for recognizing the brilliance of Jon Stewart's Daily Show.
CHEERS to Robert Greenwald and his documentary, "Uncovered: The Truth About the Iraq War." (available at www.truthuncovered.com) Insiders at CIA, Pentagon, diplomatic corps speak candidly about run-up and aftermath of Bush debacle. Forget O'Neill book...this is the real smoking gun. Thumbs up!
What are you cheering and jeering about today?