Like most 22 year old men, I was extremely amused to see this in yesterday's New York Post:
More after the fold...
"April 3, 2005 -- A HATTIESBURG, Miss., policewoman and her husband found out the hard way how popular Dave Chappelle's Comedy Central show is - especially his catch phrase, "I'm Rick James, bitch!" Diane James' husband, Rick James, is running for Hattiesburg City Council. She wrote to Comedy Central: "Due to the popularity of the Dave Chappelle show, people keep stealing our 'Vote Rick James' yard signs ... we would appreciate a small campaign donation for more signs, as we are working-class people and financing this campaign out of our own pockets. Each time a sign is stolen, it costs us $4.75! Every time a 'Rick James' piece runs on your show, we stand to lose dozens of signs overnight, which end up decorating people's front yards and dorm rooms ... the yard signs have been spotted at least 100 miles from our home by truckers ... Also, young children on bikes scream, 'I'm Rick James, bitch!' as we drive by in our car with our 'Rick James' car signs ... People even drive by our home and scream, 'Super Freak.'" No word on whether Comedy central will pitch in for more signs. "
Being that I start my new job on Monday, I had just the spare time needed to make a bunch of phone calls, and track down Rick James's wife, Diane, at her work at the Mississippi CrimeStoppers. What I thought was going to be a quick goofy call to get a lawn sign turned into a really inspiring 30 min+ conversation about life in the deep south, disenfranchisement, race relations, and inspiring youth to vote and get active in politics. The James family are amazing, progressive, courageous ppl trying to make a difference. As much as I was a Dean supporter and am overjoyed he is the DNC chair, this was the first time his talk about a 50 state campaign and inspiring new people to get involved on a local level really hit home for me.
With that being said, the James family does have a great sense of humor, and we had good laughs about kids adding 'Bitch!' to the Vote Rick James signs. Apparently Rick has changed the answering machine in their home to have SuperFreak on it.
I strongly suggest anyone who has a few extra dollars, to contribute to this campaign. Theyd really appreciate it. You can send it to their home, 606 S 17th Ave, Hattiesburg MS 39401.
Also, if anyone has any comedy central/daily show/Chappelle show connections, lets pursue this, because itd be an awfully funny sketch.
UPDATE: Well, I called back, because I had to hear their home answering machine with Superfreak on it. Got to speak to the Candidate himself, who was every bit as nice as his wife. They are very sweet, simple people just trying to make a difference locally.
They really would appreciate donations, apparently they are the only non-wealthy candidate in the race, and have a very limited budget (which is why the sign stealing hurts them so much). If you're interested in getting a sign, email me at