An unbelievable
GOOD fifteen year old American citizen produces this
What Would Jesus Do video clip. A fifteen year old did this!
Please watch this video! It is from an American child's point of view.
I am humbled beyond belief.
And because of the division that
BAD BUSH and his ilk (who I DESPISE beyond the Pale for what he has done to America and the World) has created in this country, this awe inspiring fifteen year old receives comments from those on the BAD RIGHT like this in response:
She says she's received a lot of positive feedback in short messages back to her site. And she understands that the fact that "people are on the web, and they just let loose." But she was unprepared for the viciousness of the negative feedback--especially the ugly sexual slurs similar to those that Cindy Sheehan has faced. (If you can't stand foul language, stop reading now.)
"It's people like you who need to fucking die and get raped while your corpse rots in the sun," said one e-mail Lowery shared with me.
"Fuck you, I would jack off on your parents if I could.
If you don't like the team, get out of the park. That means take ur small dick and get the fuck off of my homeland you faggot chocolate gulper."
"You are a TRAITOR to your country and should be executed for treason," another one said. "All you do is bitch about the US. If you hate it so much, why don't you GET THE FUCK OUT."
"Why don't you go masterbate [sic] to a pic of Sheehan and fuck off," said a third.
"Are you a muslem [sic] terrorist?" asked another.
She says there was a threat against her that was circulating "on the conservative underground." And she says she received one e-mail from someone who said, "Contact me ASAP. It concerns a danger to your life."
When her mom called the number, the person who answered denied any knowledge of the threat, Lowery says.
Did this shock and disgust you?? I hope so. WTF do we do to stop this putrid rift in our country?
I am so .. I cannot even think of a word to describe the kind of despicable creatures that responded to this fifteen year old's thought provoking video.
Damn Bush and his ilk to Hell.