Quick, how many herds of wild buffalo are there in the US? Answer: One. Where is it? Yellowstone National Park.
With the aid of the National Park Service, that natural resource is being irradicated.
The Montana Department of Livestock is collaborating with the NPS to destroy the last wild herd of Buffalo in the US.
The numbers are appalling. At Stephens Creek alone, the Park Service has captured 463 wild buffalo in the past month. They have already killed 165 buffalo. There are 154 buffalo being held in captivity, roughly half of them are yearlings that have been vaccinated with an ineffective cattle vaccine. The Park Service is domesticating this unique herd, destroying the wild quality that makes them a national treasure. The most recent 152 buffalo captured are awaiting their fate. They will be subjected to gruesome sampling procedures, held in place by head clamps with noses pinched by metal clasps. It is a cruel and bloody sight. And it is being carried out with your tax dollars by Park Service employees responsible for preserving this last herd of wild buffalo in America.
The Yellowstone herd is not only the only the last wild herd, it is probably the last genetically pure herd--not crossed with cattle. The Montana Department of Livestock has been killing off the herd for years (buffalo are not disposed to recognizing park boundaries), but the participation of the NPS is new and very disturbing. Montana has consistently raised the unfounded fear that brucellosis may be passed from buffalo to cattle (I'm not sure why cattle should be in Yellowstone). Contact your congressional representative to voice your concern over this travesty.