The company issues two credit cards. One is for travel expenses, the other for goods from vendors not set up by the purchasing department. Just like written law though I guess it's open to interpretation.
I wrote before about the Satanic consequences of Sarbanes-Oxley. About how the company I work for went to great lengths to comply with provisions. How the letter of the law must apply and how all must compy. Uber alles I think is a great description.
Now though comes the switch of credit card companies. Don't worry, when I get fired you guys get the complete and intimate details. That may be soon.
The first credit card application asks me to sign and in doing so agree to the terms which I have not see yet. Also by signing I acknowledge receipt of a credit card that I do not yet have.
The second card, the travel card application plainly states that you will agree again to the terms which will be mailed to you later along with the card. Tomorrow I will make a pdf of this form.
Screeeecchh. Ok, normally I would trust the reputation of a major global company and ASSume that things would be normal and completely on the up and up but, this happens to be the very same company that has essentially halted meaningful productive work and aligned all resources and manpower into alloting the proper parts to the correct charge numbers. They went to the extreme effort to beat the crap out of us until there was no other way to get things done except to fill out the proper electronic forms and wait three weeks for your stuff. This is in addition to the bizzaro accounting rule decisions that leave thousands of dollars worth of brand new electrical parts to be disposed of in dumpsters. Compliance uber alles.
Now this same company has asked me to sign not one but two legally binding instruments of perjury.
Who came to Satan first though government or corporate?
Who is teaching whom?