Regardless of whether W gets another term or not, his
big brother Jeb is likely to run for president in 2008. I suggest we cut him off at the pass. Here's how.
- Start making more of an issue of the fact that the Bush family seems to think they have a hereditary right to be elected to political office.
- Clamor even louder about the idea that it's simply un-American for one family to think it is entitled to run the country.
- If this gets any traction, demand that Jeb Bush pledge not to seek the presidency in 2008.
My thought is that if it gains traction, Jeb may well face pressure to maks such a pledge, simply to help out his little bro'.
Think about how much GOoPer ink has been spilled suggesting the doomsday scenario that Hillary was going to step in at the convention, or run in 2008. She'll probably never run, in part because these expectations that she will run have made her even more of a hot potato. It's like the GOoPer echo chamber managed to make themselves a self-non-fulfilling prophesy.
Does anyone think this is a winner?