Dear Republicans,
I am asking - no begging - for you to consider what you have just witnessed.
At the behest of the Christian Right, the entire force of the United States government with the exception of the Judiciary has jumped to attention and followed orders more rapidly than they responded to 9/11.
The President has flown to Washington to immediately sign a bill passed thru Congress in midnight session.
The ONLY thing that has prevented complete dictatorship by Dr. Dobson and Focus on the Family has been the shaky opposition of the judiciary.
We need your help.
I do not believe that this is what most of you voted for or wanted from your government when you voted Republican.
I believe that most of you are as horrified as I am by the take over of your party by the religious right.
The only thing stopping their total take-over is the Judiciary and they have clearly identified the fact that taking over the judiciary is now their number one priority - and they are poised to do just that.
We Democrats are powerless to stop them.
Unless YOU - the Republican voter - clearly make known to your Republican representatives that you do NOT want fundy vetted judicial nominees, the battle is over and the fiscally conservative law abiding government you thought that you were voting for will be no more.
You will NOT receive any further wake up calls - this is your, and our, last chance.
PLEASE - Open your eyes.
Please Wake Up !!