Frank Rich does an excellent analysis of the Deep Throat coverage by the MSM. In my words, Rich shows how the MSM coverage is pretty worthless, and details how effective the bushco media people are compared to what Nixon and Colson tried to get away with 30+ years ago.
I am 45, I remember this stuff, cuz I was watching it 30+ years ago.
And this story from Frank ties precicely into the MSM Dean affair of this week.
Since the 1968 convention and McGovern in '72, the MSM blather has been that the Dems are a bunch of lefty nuts. This blather which comes courtesy of Ailes, Atewater & Rove has led to the following Democrat "Wisdom":
Start Democrat "Wisdom".
IF Dems say anything strong, then Dems will be attacked as liberal / lefty / whackjobs /blah blah blah. IF Dems are attacked, then the middle / swing voters will be scared, AND when the middle / swing is scared, THEN the Dems will lose.
End Democrat "Wisdom".
To avoid saying anything strong, so we don't scare away the middle, we nominate the Dukakis and Gore and Kerry crowd milquetoast Democrats, and then we get creamed in the election.
Note during all their campaigns, just like Max Clelland, no matter what they said or didn't say they were attacked relentlessly and smeared constantly. BUT, we didn't fight back cuz then we'd scare the middle / swing voter, and then we'd lose.
Well, we lost anyway, and we were smeared anyway. And the DLC types blamed the narals and gays getting married and everything else for losing, cuz the DLC types wouldn't / couldn't manage media and message.
Clinton won the elections due to his skill, but created NO legacy other than the DLC crowd waiting for another Clinton to come along.
I am enjoying this Dean furor, and the REAL story is that we do NOT have a message machine because our biden - DiFi wing of corporate sell outs are fat and happy and prosperous being sell outs.
If people want to defend Biden and DiFi, go ahead. They've been living large in this losing party for 20+ years, and the longer we enable their thievery the longer we deserve to lose. Their wisdom has been very profitable for them, NOT for me.
Finally, it will be YOUR party of sell outs, not mine. IF I am going to vote for a loser again, that loser will be me, cuz if I win at least I'll benefit.