When we are desensitized to death as a number "x dead in abc", when we are desensitized to horrible crimes if committed by lurking individual psychopaths, then mobs of people come out to show their hate in a way that screams "you can not look at this as a fluke"... young people are there, people are influenced, and it's all about hate.
You can't allow this. You CAN'T. The police, the army, whomever, you need to pin those people in that crowd and every one brought to account. And yet you can't, it's not that simple, the crowd is already dispersed, people won't yield because categorizing the dead they suffer as collateral or deserving it won't change their own feelings. It's lose-lose.
I hear people say, many say, I have said, "I will not stand for this! I will not stand for this!"
Better sit down then.
Side issue: Diary Duplication
Of course this is not breaking news, you all know it. Of course it's been mentioned in Diaries (and will be more, I bet). I don't think this breaks the duplication rule at all because this is ONE angle on a tragedy that bears a lot of thought.
I don't want to give in to this sort of event by thinking about it over other deaths, other victims just as dead, American or otherwise, but then, let's face reality shall we? I'm torn up by the carnage in Iraq and was about the carnage in Somalia... but we all remember the bodies drug through the street because it does say something, something terrible.
The poll is about the side issue of the duplicative nature of this diary.