In "Next step for conservatives: IMPEACH Judges", by araina:
"revernge" on the judiciary was discussed. The repubs are upset that the courts did not rubber-stamp the late night legislation that dubya signed re: Ms. Schiavo's decision. Also the actions of jeb! in attemtpting to appease his conservative base blew up in his face. (I am paraphrasing, but remember reading an article in one of the MI papers in which jeb! said something to the effect that his power is/was limited.)
Now, the repubs are attempting to appeal to their base using another tactic.
(continued below)
Tom Delay is making a hell of a lot of noise in another attempt to distract the public from the reality. (He is also showing what a damn fool he is!)
The interference in Ms. Schiavo's decision had the unanticipated effect of practically alienating some of the repub supporters/base, speciically suburban independent voters, younger voters, and many Christians. (The voters in the county that I live in fit that description.) For damamge control, the repubs are making an appeal to patriotism and loyalty to this country.
This morning, I noticed a sign in a business that I normally do not frequent, but checked out today. The sign read that the Republican Party will be having a dinner next month and the guest speaker will be none other than Oliver North.
In short, the repubs are playing the emotions of the public to gain (or re-gain) support. The appeal to God did not work to rally the base. (Delay is a diversion.) With the situation in Iraq, will the appeal to patriotism and "concern" for the troops do it?