I can't believe what I just read on Think Progress. Taken from
the Washington Post today.
The Bush Administration is now supporting the warlords in Somalia who attacked US Troops in 1994.
I think my head is going to explode.
(And sorry if this has already been diaried)
"More than a decade after U.S. troops withdrew from Somalia following a disastrous military intervention, officials of Somalia's interim government and some U.S. analysts of Africa policy say the United States has returned to the African country, secretly supporting secular warlords who have been waging fierce battles against Islamic groups for control of the capital, Mogadishu.
The latest clashes, last week and over the weekend, were some of the most violent in Mogadishu since the end of the American intervention in 1994, and left 150 dead and hundreds more wounded. Leaders of the interim government blamed U.S. support of the militias for provoking the clashes"
Say what you want about Clinton. At least he was on our side.
The following says it all, in my opinion. Unbelievable:
Many of the warlords have their own agendas, Somali officials said, and some reportedly fought against the United States in 1993 during street battles that culminated in an attack that downed two U.S. Black Hawk helicopters and left 18 Army Rangers dead.
Yeah, yeah, 9/11 changed... God, I can't bring myself to say it.
Too depressing for words, isn't it? I'm at a loss.