Last night the governing liberal party survived a no-confidence vote on the federal budget 153-152, with the speaker casting the deciding vote.
As it turned out, three independant MPs held the balance of power. Two split, and all eyes were on Chuck Cadman, a former Conservative and cancer sufferer from British Columbia. He voted with the governement and the Canadian Parliament erupted in cheering.
He explained his decision by a poll of his constituants, two thirds of whom didn't want an election just yet.
As a Canadian, I know how small the stakes are. The U.S. Senate filibuster fight will probably effect me more in the long run that which party governs Canada. But there may be a lesson here: the conscientious politician listens to his constituents, and one vote can make all the difference.
Keep the pressure on Hagel, Specter, Warner and Graham! We need two out of four, assuming we have McCain, Chafee, Snowe and Collins.