The real question is, why should the Dem Representatives be anything BUT meek. They get paid the same, they don't worry about repercussions of their actions for years and by then their constituents have forgotten and gone on to other concerns.
They are meek because they know how people work.
We've allowed ourselves to become limited objectionists. If the Dems know the limit of our average wrath, they can gauge riding it out.
Hence, nothing gets done or listened to. We are far too "invested" in corporations and comforts, conveniences, to really rock the boat anymore.
I remember years ago when cable companies raised their billing and the outcry was enormous. People complained, they ranted, they threatened. The only thing they DIDN'T do was cancel their cable, the only message the company would have understood.
Needless to say, the increase remained in place with a lot of griping, but it remained. People paid rather than miss a game or a show.
If a few thousand people, say, cancelled their sacred cable (crooked media) for ONE MONTH, reduced or stopped luxery items for ONE MONTH, pulled the plug on vacations, travel, unnecessary expenses for ONE MONTH, the left could bring this corporate takeover of government to the brink of bankrupcy.
Corporations, for the sacrifice of a single month out of our lives, would be reeling from the shut-off of passive funds from people who are wasting time demanding action from our representatives.
Look folks, it's not going to happen. The media is against us and out for expansion, the government reps, both "ours" and "theirs" are for themselves. They possess conditional spines which will never emerge at need or ethic, only at convenience.
If you approach this expecting the weakest responses from our reps, we can better gauge the true response and plan strategies to reclaim our security.
The worst thing we can do is stay addicted to the corporate teet of pointless comforts and passive spending and expect the receivers to give a damn as long as the money flows.
Voluntarily shut it off!
Without the cable dollar, FOX, CNN et. al. don't have operating expenses. Do you really think they'd refuse to cover more things if 30,000 subscribers just up and quit for a month? That's a chunk of revenue to swallow.
Unfortunately, it will never happen, and our "representatives" know it. we've allowed our attention spans to determine our viability. Where the right beats the dead horse, we routinely lose interest and drift away.
For all the hard work many of us did, Kerry couldn't even trouble himself to even symbolically support his supporters. He's opted out and long gone. It's our resistance to understanding that our reps don't really rep us and haven't for a while that's killing any advancement.
People need a leader who doesn't pay attention to media pronouncements and framing, and we in turn need to take that power over us away from the media.
Because we haven't done this, we've gotten the government we deserve. Torture, environmental rape, and a shit-for-brains frat boy president who's giving away the farm, social security, and our future.
The media is now actively working against us. Dean fell victim to "The Scream," which was simply the media's way of killing off a popular threat. Why we listened to that media pronouncement is way beyond me, but we've been conditioned to. Why?
We had the legitimate grievance of voter fraud stripped away and ignored by the media. A real issue that they've repackaged as conspiracy theory and framed as extremist sore-losering. More steering by the media.
We're being steered, and until we "get" that and cut off the funding for the crooked media by tightening our commitment, our discipline and our wallets, we'll continue to be steered.