"We'd make one hell of a team, Snake!"
The name's Plissken...
When we last left our hero, you know the tall guy with bad teeth, he and that other guy, the bookseller who couldn't wait to get home to his wife (13 kids? I'm not sure what to be most impressed with.), had forced the evildoers over the horizon.
Time to get really offensive.
Crown Point is much more impressive in the history books until you realize that it was just 9 guys in the middle of nowhere. But we had ambition by gum, so we raised a whole 'nother army and sent it packing off in the Maine woods. Those autumn leaves sure do look pretty until you have to start eating dog.
I understand Quebec is a nice town, but I wouldn't know since they didn't let me in. I'm almost sure Groucho had something to say. Have I mentioned miserable failure yet? How about miserable failure en español? My favorite traitor was persisent though and each day gets warmer and longer until it's time to go.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, our hero, the guy in blue and buff , had enough trouble of his own. Exactly one year after his assumption of command he pretty much got stabbed in the back by those evildoers he had dispatched 3 and a half months before.
It's not like we didn't try. Long Island, Kip's Bay, Harlem Heights, Pell's Point, White Plains, and finally Fort Washington. And then, defeated by the killer rabbit, there was lots of running away.
When you're cold and hungry it's really hard to be brave in the face of overwhelming odds, but sometimes you're just doing what you can.
So tonight I leave you on the far banks of the Delaware, waiting for the next installment.