As with most people here at DailyKos, along with a sizable portion of the electorate, I am constantly at a loss to explain the self-imposed impotence of the elected Democratics to stand up for their constituents, for their own colleagues, for the Constitution and the rule of law, and be united against the shameful actions of the Bush Administration. I've heard no sensible explanation from two of my representatives, Pelosi and Feinstein, asto why they could not support Feingold's call for censure. This long-term pattern continues with many of the so-called 'leaders' of the Democratic Party.
Therefore, I have finally decided to adopt what I call The
Soylent Green Theory of Democratic Appeasement.
What could possibly compell Clinton, Leiberman, Feinstein, Biden and others to year after year give the Bush regime the benefit of doubt on Iraq, WMD, wiretaps and the phony War on Terror? The declared 'factual' basis used by the Bushies to justify these horrors has clearly been illogical and outrageous... yet many who are suppose to be on our side, the 'loyal opposition', has carried water and given cover for the worst lies imaginable. I can only conclude that they must know something equally outrageous that we do not know. Something too terrible to share with the general public... something, well, truly worse than the lies they help perpetuate.
Sometime a few years back, senior officials of the Bush Administration must have gathered together influential Democrats and told them what the real deal is... something huge, like oil will run out sooner than expected, or the Chinese are going to release a virus only they are immune to, or perhaps that all the plankton in the ocean will be dead in 5 years and we'll be reduced to eating people.
I think I would begin such a coverup by declaring there is no basis behind global warming and follow it up with a huge distraction. Of course since I didn't get the memo explaining why we are so very fucked we have to cooperate with the political opposition, so I'm only guessing. What's your guess?