I am partially posting this here to see if the protest I observed today is part of any sort of larger or coordinated effort. If you saw anything near you, speak up :)
Today on the way home from work, I drove past an anti-abortion protest. There were maybe 30-50 people lined up along a very busy road with large signs of dead babies. They had pro-life T-shirts and flyers. They picked a trafficky area so that cars were forced to stop and stare at dead fetuses.
I turned into a grocery store parking lot and went home the back way to avoid it. I also flipped a few of them the bird (yes, very mature, I know).
I live in Madison, if you are wondering where this took place. I wasn't aware that the Christofascist zombie brigade lived here, but I guess a few of them do. Last election, the college Republicans made some trouble too (although not about the right to choice). On the whole, we are a very liberal town.
One sign compared Planned Parenthood to Hitler. Most were just graphic pics of dead babies.
There is controversy here lately when someone realized that if we give the UW students access to birth control and emergency contraceptives, we are inviting them to have sex. Hence, we should not give them birth control.
I am personally not at all opposed to UW students having safe, consensual sex, but honestly, they are a major, major party school and if someone really wanted to prevent sex, they should withhold liquor, not birth control.