Remember that the end of the quarter is nigh upon us, and candidates all over are scrambling for last minute contributions to bolster their fundraising totals. I'm not doing any organized fundraising at this point, but there are plenty of options if you are so inclined.
For now, this is a time to hit candidates you like. I wrote about Mitakides below, and I have previously written about Joe Donnelly in the 2nd Indiana congressional district -- one of the most evenly matched and competitive seats in the country and a prime pickup opportunity.
Atrios has been pushing Joe Hoeffel hard, and with good cause. He may actually steal a seat that the GOoPers assumes was safe. And in that vein, don't forget Alaska's Tony Knowles, and Oklahoma's Brad Carson (probably the most avid blogger politician in the country right now).
Miles Nelson in NM1 looks great. I wrote about this race here. And while I don't endorse in primaries (because, really, who cares what I think?), I have to admit that I really, really like Miles.
Jeff Smith I haven't written about yet, but word on the street is that he's the most progressive primary candidate in a safe Democratic district. This is Gephardt's old district. Whoever wins the primary wins the seat. Archpundit, who I respect immensely for his coverage of Illinois and Missouri politics, has endorsed Smith.
There are two of the candidates seeking the Democratic nod in GA12 -- the most targeted GOP-held seat this cycle. They are Dough Haines and John Barrow.
Morris Meyer is targeting Texas polluter (and Delay acolyte) Joe Barton. Stephanie Herseth will give us an all-Democratic South Dakota delegation (while pissing off Rove and Katherine Harris). And just north of Herseth, Earl Pomeroy is holding his own deep inside Red country.
The common theme to this post is that these are all campaigns that have advertised on the site. But there are plenty of others that are just as worthy, and just as needy. Some of them may be in your neck of the woods. So look around, and pledge to give $20 to a campaign of your choice. I plan on putting $30 each on Mitakides, Nelson and Donnelly today.