I say this as person who is on the ballot as a Clark Delegate (who is apparently withdrawing today), and as someone who has defended Dean. I've never been a Kerry supporter.
This race is effectively over. Even though it is still very possible Kerry goes to the Convention without enough delegates to lock it up on the first ballot -- his lead is too big to overcome.
Barring an amazing development; John Kerry will be the only person on the ballot in November with a chance to beat George W. Bush.
Think about that for a second.
I was pissed about Kerry's war vote. He's not my favorite candidate. But at the end of the day, he's far better than the alternative.
Another 4 years of the Patriot Act, massive deficits, unjust war, and the rabid pathalogical weilding of power of the GOP -- not to mention the continued decline of American stature around the world -- await the crybabies on this site who delude themselves into thinking that Kerry is unsupportable.
All the talk about Florida 2000 aside, the simple fact remains that if many rabid-progressives supported Al Gore in 2000 (the author of Earth in the Balance, I might add) instead of Green party candidate Ralph Nader; Gore wins in 2000 going away. The GOP didn't steal the 2000 election; we stole it from ourselves because a group of progressive-minded people have managed to convince themselves that no-loaf of bread is better than a half-loaf.
I work in politics for a living. In the last 10 years, I've worked on 8 campaigns, running 6 of them. I've watched how the process eats people up.
The system, particularly the media, is designed to devour people like Dean. Only true political survivors can make it to the ultimate stage of a General Election for President. For all his strengths, Dean does not qualify.
Kerry has made some strategic votes that I strongly disagreed with -- the Iraq war resolution the most notable. But here's the thing -- Kerry is still standing today because he's a survivor. He's been through tough campaigns, and he's made tough decisions in his life. He's been in the media klieglights before; he knows how to handle himself.
Would I prefer a candidate with Clark's resume? Yes.
Would I prefer a candidate with Edwards's political skill? Yes.
Would I prefer the nominee have Dean's fire? Sure.
But guess what? I don't have that choice, and no amount of whining will change that. Which brings me to the final question:
Do I want 4 more years of George Bush? No f***ing way.