The diaries do seem to be coming faster and more furiously these days and, as a result, it seems there are many more duplicate posts since it's harder to gauge whether your topic has been covered already, which just serves to compound the problem...sheesh.
For example, yesterday, the diary about the woman arrested at the Laura Bush event that got elevated to "recommended" was actually the third (at least) on that subject.
I don't think the solution lies in limiting people to one diary per day. I think the key is in limiting the number of single newsstory diaries. One remedy would be to devote 1 diary per day, that has a permanent home in the RECOMMENDED section, to BREAKING NEWS where people can post new stories as comments (and if it's already been covered then leave well enough alone or reply to the original comment creating that story's own thread.) Ditto for a NEW POLLS diary.
What do you think?