Former President Clinton said Wednesday the political changes in Iraq, including parliamentary elections in January, will help bring stability to the region.
Think hanging around with 41 has damaged his frontal lobe, or is he positioning Hillary for '08?
"There is no point living in the past," Clinton said. "Look at where we are now. Everyone, all freedom-loving people would be better off with a genuinely representative, effective, free government in Iraq whatever your feelings are about what went on before."
Whatever is this man thinking of?? If he is trying to be an elder statesman, does he not realize that the other side does not play? Do we hear 41 saying that mistakes have been made in Iraq? NO, NO, NO!!!
Rant below:
Damn these accomodators!! This is a battle, with the republicans trying to take away every damn right that the minority, which is at least 48% of this country, still retains! How can any Dem play ball and say anything even remotely positive about the Iraq war??? I swear, I know now why I never could stomach Clinton. He has no true set of beliefs. All he cares about is his personal aggrandizement. Sorry if you disagree - I respect your views, but c'mon, Bill, if you can't support the viewpoint of your party, then just keep you mouth closed. Please!!!