Josh Marshall reports that the
House Committee on Resources is using their web site to disseminate anti-Kerry talking points on oil.
Democrat presidential candidate John Kerry is quoted in today's edition of Greenwire as saying, "that black stuff is hurting us," with regard to oil. Members of the House Committee on Resources found the Senator's comment absurd.
As Marshall points out, official sites run by members or committees of Congress are usually kept above the political fray. They are not typically a place where campaign activity occurs.
Greenwire is a subscription-only site, and I was unable to find the particular reference to Kerry's comments cited by the committee. It feels very much like something Kerry said is being taken out of context. Leave it to the GOP to start hammering on something Kerry said when the full context of his remarks are contained in a subscription-only forum.
One final note: something tells me that Kerry will be perfectly happy to engage the GOP on the subject of oil, particularly when prices are spiking and the incumbent party is doing little about it save from trotting Abraham out to express their collective "concern."