I'm not a politician. Even though my brother was a governor I wasn't politically active beyond Howard's campaigns until the 2000 elections. I was one of millions of people drawn in by the debate about the credibility of our political process and how to make it work for the people again.
flip it...
That's what motivates me today.
What you have done so far is remarkable. In less than a year you have built a vibrant, winning organization that supports the fiscally responsible, socially progressive values that are the mainstream in America today. But we can do even more.
This year you and I will work together to endorse good candidates all over the country and provide them the training, financial resources, technology know-how and volunteers they need to win.
You and I will build organizations of like-minded people working for change in your neighborhood and every other neighborhood in America.
Most of all, you and I will help ordinary people impact our political process.
Soon you'll be hearing from Tom Hughes, our new executive director, about some exciting things happening. We are already at work helping candidates and organizations prepare for 2005 elections -- including a referendum on campaign finance reform in Ohio and the nearly 500 races for mayor taking place in cities across America this year.
And we will be getting into the fight to stop George Bush from dismantling Social Security.
I also want to hear from you. This is your organization, not mine. And the best ideas always come from the grassroots up rather than the top down. You can contact me anytime:
DFA has only just begun, and I can't wait to get to work with you.
James Dean, Chair
Democracy for America
P.S. Howard posted a message for you on Blog for America just before he was elected on Saturday. You can read it here: http://www.blogforamerica.com/archives/005975.html