here's something i've been working on, and have posted in a couple places in case you missed it. i have a plan/strategy to execute it on a national level, but first things first. i'm still interested in dissenting opinion. any comments pro/con or of a critical/style emphasis are welcome:
it's increasingly clear to any american with half a brain that the repubs and dems are one team--the corporate team. they may differ on sex and violence, but when it comes to policy of how we spend our tax dollars, the corporations control congress. corruption has become institutionalized.
what that means is of the two ways to propose amendments to the u.s. constitution, one way is broken.
one amendment could change the course--and that's what we're talking about here--the majority of americans want fundamental change--and that's the way america is supposed to work: when uncle sam gets sick, someone proposes an amendment, the fifty states take a look at it, and if 38 or more agree it's just what the doctor ordered--it's written on the constitution.
the alternate way to propose is by national convention--a constitutional convention (an article V convention).
as the chorus for change grows, and nothing results due to the situation, it'll become even more clear that it's time to send delegates to some american city, to propse amendments. if you're against that, then you think your state senator has a monopoly on good ideas, because a constitutional convention is simply to, and only to, Propose amendments to the fifty states.
you think senator john kerry is ever going to propose an amendment on media reform, when he's gotten money from newscorp all these years? you think senator chuck hagel is going to propose an amendment to outlaw proprietary source code in voting machines, and other electoral reforms?
one amendment on electoral reform, and one on media reform should do the trick. and those are beyond repub/dem issues--those are american issues.
so as soon as more people become aware of this idea that it's clearly time for our second constitutional convention, in order to evolutionize (not revolutionize) our government--just as the framers designed article V, specifically for a situation like we have today--we'll see it come to pass.
either that or there really are enough nazis ensconced in our government and insitutions that they'll have to attempt to put us down with force. and if we see that come to pass, there will be revolution. revolution or evolution, it's where we're headed. the former will be bloody, the latter less so and more sensible.