Give No Quarter!
Six Words That Describe the Republican Party
With the Republican's luxury liner taking on water, this is no time to hand them a bucket. Instead, we need to keep them from bailing. Below are 6 words to describe them and their agenda along with a few examples of their dastardly deeds. Use them broadly. Use them often. Say them over and over again. Add to them if you'd like and they will be updated from time to time. When we're sure they are firmly planted in American's minds, it will be time to reveal the Democrat's more positive agenda. I'd say in about 6 months.
In a show of their total incompetence, while Americans watched and suffered the catastrophe in New Orleans, Bush played make believe he was in a country western band; Condi shopped for shoes in NY; Rummy went to a baseball game; Cheney shopped for a $3M mansion.
Ignoring pre-911 warnings that terrorists were determined to attack the U.S.
Bush sat for 11 minutes reading "My Pet Goat" while the NY towers burned
Not getting OBL when they had him surrounded at Tora Bora, their sights were set on Iraq
Dismissing expert advice about post war planning in Iraq; almost 2000 troops have paid the ultimate price
Discounting advice to not put FEMA under Homeland Security Dept because it would weaken the dept
From how they portrayed the reasons for invading Iraq to orchestrating chosen audiences for presidential speeches, this administration sells its agenda with deception.
Stealing the world's resources while calling it spreading democracy (insert PNAC here)
Phony PR campaigns, photo-ops ("Mission Accomplished") and fake news schemes
Pushing the Medicare PX Drug Bill through congress while hiding its true costs
Promoting support for the Iraq war (300,000+ protestors vs 100 pro-war supporters in DC on 9/24/05)
Using Katrina and Rita as an excuse to suspend energy and environmental standards for oil and gas companies
Through cabinet appointees, legislation and no-bid contracts, this administration pays back fat cat contributors in unprecedented cronyism.
RX Bill, Energy Bill, Bankruptcy Bill and the soon to come Social Security Bill
Big Bush campaign donors (Halliburton, Bechtel) receiving no-bid, cost-plus contracts to rebuild the Gulf Coast and profiting in Iraq
Chucking Global Warming Treaties to satisfy big polluters and contributors
Reimbursing big contributor churches who helped Katrina victims
There's "Brownie" of course, and Karen Huge, the PR crony who played a leading role in duping this country into believing we had a "leader" and there were WMD's in Iraq
Plus dozens of more political appointments made solely on the basis of support for the Republican Party
The Legislative Branch is not providing oversight. The incestuous relationship between the Republican-controlled Congress and the administration has resulted in a rubber-stamp government.
Bush hasn't vetoed a piece of legislation in 5 years, the longest streak in presidential history
Key judicial nominees
Resistance to appointing bi-partisan commissions to look into any failures
Refusal of the Senate Intelligence Committee to hold hearings regarding not finding WMD's in Iraq
Passing the huge pork-laden transportation bill, including the $250,000,000 Bridge to Nowhere, Alaska
This administration, with the help of the Republican Congress, aggressively applies un-necessary secrecy regardless of what is at stake, including our national security and personal safety.
Outing of CIA agent, Valerie Plame
Purging CIA officers who are considered critical or disloyal to the administration
Exempting the Homeland Security Dept from the Freedom of Information Act
Expanding, ignoring and circumventing the people's laws to operate in secret
Ignoring the Geneva Convention and the International Criminal Court
Massive tax cuts for the wealthy and reckless federal spending has increased the national debt by 12% to nearly $8 trillion. This has not stopped their agenda built on greed. Instead of rolling back the tax cuts and shelving the estate tax cut for the top 1% of Americans, they have cut necessary programs for lower and middle class Americans.
Burdening our veterans with increases in their healthcare costs; cutting VA spending; all the troops in Iraq still do not have flak jackets
While ordinary Americans struggle to pay at the pump, oil companies reap record profits
Big deficits have resulted in low job growth, declining wages, high interest rates and the hemorrhaging of jobs overseas, all hurting ordinary Americans
Big tax cuts for the rich does not get trickled down into the economy, but rather is spent on luxury items and real estate driving real estate prices higher
To summarize, remember these six simple words: they define the Republican majority of today. Incompetent, deceptive, cronyism, rubber-stamp, secretive, and greedy
With thanks to "marinerfan":