Welcome, New Users, to The Daily Kos. This Diary is intended to help you orient yourself to the site and ask questions about how to use it.
In the Body you will find some links intended to get you participating more effectively. Also in the Body this week is a discussion of Emotional Honesty using The Daily Kos (dKos) interface.
After that you can ask me any question you want. I don't know all the answers so if you stump me, you do. I invite those wiser than I to contribute and correct (or raise a ruckus, just don't scare people).
No permission slips needed, join us at the deep end of the pool for adult swim.
Romper, bomper, stomper boo. Tell me, tell me, tell me, do. Magic mirror, tell me today, have all my friends been good at play?
I can see Mick L (#117030) and Jays (#117461), the first and last users to join the weeks of 2/2/07 to 2/8/07, and all of you boys and girls out there in DailyKosland!
Hello Devil. Welcome to Hell.
Recommended Links-
Frequently Asked Questions
Highlighted FAQ Areas/Rules for polite conversation-
I have written some diaries you may find useful-
Other Useful Diaries-
Here are some other Diaries that address the needs of new users-
Here are some older takes on what the well informed user should know-
Other diaries in the Welcome New Users Series. The Welcome New Users dKosopedia page.
Emotional Honesty
I told you, this is not a kiddie pool.
Please allow me to reintroduce myself. I'm a man of refinement and taste not named ek hornbeck. My Cliffs Notes provide an amazing insight into my character and attitudes, like one of those pop psychology personality tests where you look at yourself in the table and it says-
"How does it feel to live in a world of idiots?"
Had that actually happen to me at a party. Kind of shut me up for a while because, you know, every day is February 2nd, and it's always 6 am, and it's always Puxatawney. Okay, campers, rise and shine, and don't forget your booties 'cause it's cooooold out there today.
So that's what you know about me.
If you're a careful reader, you'll have all kinds of History tricks and Searches and if you read deeply enough you'll know all about me and I'll be Naked!.
Hah, you and your 20th Century notions of modesty. Ooh Brisk.
If you're deeply interested in me you'll find out that I drink Chamomile Tea with Kava Kava. Big deal, it won't help you burn a cross on my lawn.
You can find out other things about meatspace me that I don't care to hide because everyone in my meatspace knows I blog as ek hornbeck on the Daily Kos. One of many incentives not to get too personal.
Still, I try to convey an 'emotional honesty' with my writing which includes being truthful about the irrelevant details of my personal life and my feelings.
But it's all about me, ek
Oh, it so is.
I write for the New User, a person who may or may not have read dKos for a long time before signing up.
Welcome to the White Rose.
What we do here at dKos is quite subversive, we're plotting peaceful overthrow. Shhh. Don't tell anybody.
I have to say dKos can be a pretty scary place. I like to think I'm a quick learner, but without the help of a tolerant audience I'm not sure I could have long survived because I'm entirely obnoxious. You're tired of me now aren't you? Well, it gets worse.
I think New Users are the lifeblood of the site. I have seen in meatspace powerful organizations wither and die as people find other bright and shiny objects without replacing themselves.
Part of leadership is identifying new leaders and helping them along. I like to think that one of the positive effects of a site like dKos is churning out thousands of community activists to help ensure a permanent Democratic majority.
Maybe that's just me.
But it starts at the door and I can see how potential new members might have gotten confused this past week by this focus on Meta.
Meta does not mean Whiny Ass Titty Baby.
Blogging on Other Sites
There's been a lot of talk about being on the dKos Blog Roll.
Ignore it.
I belong to Booman Tribune. Booman is the closest in look and feel to dKos. I call it the Green Place. It uses old style scoop so <divs and stuff is acceptable. It is broken up into sections by tabs (a frequent suggestion of those who seek to improve dKos). It has TWO! COUNT 'EM!! TWO!!! Diaries a day for those of you who just can't shut up and 1 rule- Don't be a prick.
My Left Wing. I call this The Pretty Place, and it's not just because of the Times Roman. The most impressive bloggers I know post here. The community is very welcoming, they think they have flame wars but I've seen more disagreement at one of Emily's DAR meetings.
Another blog I post on is Never In Our Names. It's focused on issues like Habeas Corpus and Warrantless Wiretapping and Rendition and Torture and War Crimes. It's sister site is The Impeachment Project which focuses on the Impeachment of George W. Bush.
Why would I want to belong to another site, ek?
Looser rules about pictures and HTML, number and subjects of topics. Each one of these communities has it's own energy.
They also move slower because they have less traffic. This can be good and bad. You get more reasoned and thoughtful responses, but you get less of them.
I'd like to encourage you to participate in other blogs. Why?
Because I want to strengthen blogtopia (thank you skippy) and by strengthen I mean- Read and Recommend, Post Comments, and Diaries. Details differ.
Spelling and Grammar
If your goal as an Author is to make information available to the widest group of people it's best to present it in an attractive format. I like to use short sentences and a conversational tone. My paragraphs are short too, so there's lots of white space. I use Fancy Formatting to break up the page.
There are other goals and other styles. Some people like Faulkner, I like Dashiell Hammett.
One issue that comes up is grammar and punctuation. Even the experts disagree. Every major newspaper has it's own style book and editors to enforce those rules. They don't ask the Author (rat bastards, I want you dead Jann Wenner) they simply rip your stuff to shreds and print millions of copies of it just to embarrass you.
If these are issues for you and you wish to correct them, the magic words are-
"But it made it through Microsoft Word!"
Yeah, and my HTML made it through Preview.
The serious problem for Microsoft Word is that it sometimes introduces invisible characters if you just cut and paste it into the Ajax Comment Poster or Diary Editor. This can lead to unexpected results, ever see a weird character that should be something else?
I recommend that if you are going to use Microsoft Word's Grammar and Spelling Checker that you save the file as text and open it with Wordpad or Notepad before you cut and paste. Don't expect any Fancy Formatting to transfer, gotta use HTML, Autoformat Shortcuts, or Posting Box Buttons to make that happen.
So I hate Microsoft AND Microsoft Word because it tells me I'm wrong when I know I'm right according to the Baltimore Herald Stylebook. What I use instead is www.spellcheck.net. I have it Bookmarked and open it as a Tab every time I open dKos as I describe in Bookmarks and Tabbed Browsing.
Still errors creep in and, if it's in a Comment, there's nothing I can do about it. We all make binegead Comments.
Sometimes, when I just can't help this surge of warmth and feeling and outpouring of desire to help my fellow kossack or kosovarian, if I see an error in Diary presentation that can be easily fixed I'll say something nice and friendly like-
You're hurting my eyes. How 'bout some carriage returns between those 'graphs.
When I say something like this it's usually pretty early in the life cycle of the Diary. The reason for that is so that my Comment can actually help the Author improve their presentation. Even so I try to post it as unobtrusively as possible, if there are under ten Comments I have no doubt mine will be seen.
As an Author there are 4 types of responses you can make to a Comment like that-
- You can ignore it. This is always the best course of action.
- You can ask for help. "Gee ek, how do I do that?"
- you can disdain help. "Microsoft Word says it's fine. What's not working for you?"
- you can strongly disdain help. "Fuck Off Creep! I know what I'm doing!"
OK. You know what you're doing. My mistake. Insisting on the superiority of the Baltimore Herald Stylebook would be a little 'faith based' in my opinion.
In any event I have no interest in pursuing it any further than invited and I think those who do run the risk of hijacking the Diary. That's reprehensible behavior.
While I might feel compelled to make a verbal note of that risk, again, I would do so only once. Diary hijacking bad. Take it to the bottom.
So now you know much more about me than you want to know about me.
Periodically hoaxes sweep the site. Authors will provide us with a Diary that is too good to be true.
If the Author does not have a history for more experienced Users to examine, they may be legitimately questioned about their bona fides.
"You say you've been in Syracuse. Tell me about it, I've always wanted to visit."
If someone on this site says they're former President Jimmy Carter, they are. AWhitneyBrown and Melody Townsel too. Fame is one insult I've never suffered, but if I claim I danced with Jerry Mouse in Anchors Aweigh I must be prepared to answer questions about Squirrel Hill.
When I first arrived at dKos I was very careful to establish a history that would withstand scrutiny. That's one of the reasons I feel comfortable talking about controversial topics like advanced HTML techniques. I established that history by Reading and Recommending , Posting Comments, and Posting Diaries in that order. I didn't try to hit my first pitch in the bigs over the fence, I was happy to eek out a walk and prepared to strike out. You get three at bats unless the manager calls in a pinch hitter.
As a Reader and Recommender you should be aware that people sometimes pretend to be other than they are. Sometimes the cause is noble, other times- not so much. You should read everything critically, look for 'emotional honesty' and remember that people make mistakes. This is why it's difficult to pretend, ask Scooter.
As an Author, of a Comment or a Diary, I urge you to consider that people will read what you say and check it's consistency against what they know of the world and of you.
Should you find you've made a mistake, the best thing to do is apologize and correct it. I'm not perfect, I call it 'the mark of the craftsman'.
If you should have the grand misfortune of becoming instantly famous the proper attitude is proud, but humble. My Uncle works in PR, trust me. Don't expect lightning to strike twice, but it may. Welcome to Hell, Devil.
This type of examination may seem harsh, but dKos has suffered many actual factual hoaxes. I'll not point at them because sometimes the evidence is murky, but though the players may change the game never does.
The problem is always the reaction of the community.
When questioned, people will tend to get defensive, especially if the question is framed in a hostile manner. Don't be quick to judge.
And don't stir the pot. If you don't have something to say- DON'T SAY IT!
And yet I think that for the most part people should be taken at face value. If you call someone a liar, that's harsh. Better prove it.
And so the debate begins- So and So Speaks for Me!
Lighten up dude, speak and think for yourself.
You're full of shit. You're clueless. You don't know what you're talking about.
Grow a thick skin, these are all OK things to say to people.
Oddly enough you can only call someone you love a 'centrist'. Go figure.
Of course the worst thing you can do is liken someone to a George W. Bush propagandist and hijack a diary at the same time. That's just as naughty as lighting the Grail shaped beacon Zoot, and deserves a spanking.
Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but Whips and Chains excite me.
I don't engage in debate with people who are abusive. It's a survival skill.
Debate implies 'emotional honesty' and respect. If your cup of wisdom is full, how can I change your mind?
I'll respond once or twice, to make my case for everyone else even if I don't expect much from you, but when I say goodbye it's over darling.
You can't bait me.
I find most of those who wish to engage me in a battle of wits... unarmed. I don't pick on them because that would be cruel. Well, sometimes- it's my cat-like nature.
But I have an open mind and am willing to discuss things, and when wrong acknowledge it and thank those wiser than I for their instruction. Very simple.
Should you find yourself abused, my best advice is- don't enable it. Every response is a target. Make your case and move out. There are lots of Diaries.
If you think you can be a bully and succeed I have this to say-
You are what you are. The point of this site is to inform and energize and excite. Do you want a permanent Democratic majority or not? I don't think "Do this" works quite as well as "Follow Me!"
There are other things to talk about. Let's get started.