We're experimenting with ways to keep the Open Thread somewhere with more visibility so it helps take some pressure off the diaries. I don't want it at the top of the site, for a variety of reasons I won't bore you with (dealing mainly with my theories on effective user interface).
But something will get worked out. Also, I have established new voluntary diary posting guidelines. These new guidelines are also listed in the diary posting page.
Attention: The diaries are getting a bit out of control. I'd like to keep things self-moderated before I restrict access. So here are the rules. If they get ignored, I'll have to institute harsher measures.
Two diary daily maximum. If you need to post more, perhaps it's time to start your own blog.
No single-line diaries. If you want to bring attention to a single link, or make a one-line pithy comment, head on over to the Open Threads or an appropriate post or diary entry.
No repetitive diaries. If it's been blogged or diaried, there's no need to repeat it. Take a moment to ensure your topic hasn't been blogged. And if you post your same diary entry twice, consider it grounds for banning.
These are reasonable guidelines. There will be more changes to diaries over the coming month (after we get the new dKos server to help relieve the existing overworked one). But I'd like to keep the diaries as much self-policing as possible. Hard and fast rules, that don't allow for important exceptions, suck. I'd rather not have to go there.
This is otherwise an open thread.