Update [2005-9-2 9:18:25 by BurningRiver]: From the New Orleans Metroblog (http://neworleans.metblogs.com/archives/2005/09/hospital_update.phtml):
PLEASE SEND THIS DISPATCH TO ALL YOU THING MAY BE INTERESTED IN A DISPATCH from the front. I will send more according to your interest.
Hopefully their collective prayers will be answered. By the way, suture
packs, sterile gloves and stethoscopes will be needed as the Ritz turns
into a MASH.
[editor's note, by BurningRiver] These people are going to need both doctors and drugs. They're also going to need things to prevent minor conditions from worsening like antiseptics, bandages, and ointments. Not to mention sunburn cream for people who have been stuck on rooftops.
I hope that no one would just throw prescription medications into the crowd and say "Here! Take these!" That wasn't what I was proposing and I certainly don't want to give that idea at all.
Whether you're forming a convoy to go down to the affected areas or trying to help at the refugee stations, these people will be in need of medical attention. Doctors will be stretched thin. If any of you are doctors (I am not--merely have volunteer med experience), please consider donating some time to these areas.
To any of you who have access to pharmeceuticals, these people are going to need medicine: Cipro, sulfa drugs, Zithromax, Penicillin, insulin, nitroglycerin tablets (for heart problems), sunburn cream, neosporin, any type of antibiotics.
These people need food and water first, but they will also need medications that may be in short supply. If you are a pharmacist, please think about donating some medicine. The US govt. won't get it there in time to help the desperate.
Medical supplies like bandages, gauze, band-aids, rubbing alcohol and peroxide, iodine, those will all be necessary as well. I know that the relief workers are taking the worst cases, but in situations like this even a small cut can become infected and cause permanent damage or even become fatal.
Even little things like diapers and feminine hygiene products will be necessary. Diaper rash cream would also be good--it has many uses and can be used by many people, not just infants. Also helpful are glucose water, ensure, formula, pedialyte, unused bottle nipples and disposable baby bottles.
My thoughts, hopes and prayers (for those that think that they will do any good) are with those who are convoying down there and with everyone trapped there. Please, if you can't directly go down there, donate blood--it will be sorely needed in the coming months. You can check for blood drives at https://www.givelife.org/index_flash.cfm?thisHB=09/02/2005%2005:02:22 .