I heard a Bush commercial on Social Security about an hour ago. It said Bush was trying to fix SS and the Democrats have no ideas.
I believe when you're hit, you hit back twice as hard. I think the Democrats should come back with,
George W. Bush is lying again.
He tells you he wants to fix SS
but he has no intentions of fixing anything.
Instead, he wants to give his friends on Wall Street 50 million new accounts, so that you can buy stocks like Enron and WorldCom.
Just what hard working Americans need for their retirement security, worthless companies involved in ponzi schemes.
Not only will Bush's gifts to Wall Street do nothing to rejuvenate the SS Trust Fund, he will make Social Security much less viable and he'd bleed a great deal more money out of the US Treasury.
Are there any lows that George W. Bush would not stoop to?
George W. Bush cannot be trusted and he never could be...He lied to us about Iraq and tricked us into going to war. He is doing it again because we're asleep.
Be smart, learn and Don't get fooled again!