For those of you who don't know, 841 is an initative on the ballot this November that basically scraps the state egronomic rules. Any way the ads for the group are slick as hell. The group called themselves something like "Workers Against Job Killing Rules." So I guess that isn't too suprising but it pisses me off. But I guess Big Buisness Owners Who Don't Care if You Get Carpol Tunel Syndrome would be too much to ask them to call themselves.
Anyway I tried to find the ad, but it wasn't on their web page Also the state party's page doesn't seem to have anything about the election that I could find. Of course I might just be looking in the wrong place. Does anyone know if the no campaign is going to run ads, because some absentee ballots have already been sent out, so we have to start confronting the lies now.