This is not one of Bush's more bizarre suggestions but it is one of those ideas that seem blindingly obvious when you hear about it.
A couple in Scotland have been experimenting for 20 years and since 1998 have been tending a barren hillside using their technique. They use volcanic rock dust from a local quarry instead of artificial fertiliser. Their theory is that applying the dust mimics the effect of a glacier passing over the ground and depositing minerals. These have of course been leeched out after the millenia since the last ice age.
What was once a windswept hillside just about able to produce rough grass has been transformed into a producive plot. The size of their crop is amazing with potaotoes big enough for one to feed a family, brussels sprouts the size of small apples, softball sized strawberries and "small" red cabbages the size of soccer balls.
Their charitable trust has now been given £95,000 ($175,000) to conduct proper experimental field trials. The technique seems to be very effective in very adverse conditions. If it proves succssful it could replace expensive artificial fertilisers in third world countries.